Let's start the first series of DOTA 2 Workshop Preview Weekly top 5 with this new cosmetic items for Naga Siren called "Wave Witch" created by tfmacmahon.
Wave Witch by tfmacmahon: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=95979264
This Set comes with 4 different items: Weapons, Head Slot, Armor Slot and Leg Slot.
Second is the Windrunner "Sparrowhawk Set" by Kon
Sparrowhawk Set by Kon: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=96693370
The set compose of 5 items: the Bow, Cape, Quiver, Shoulder Pad, and a very nice Hood.
Let's move to the third item, the "Envory of the Hidden Ones" by Plant. This set is for Templar Assassin.
Envory of the Hidden Ones by Plant: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=97074761
The whole set comes with 3 unique items, the Gridle, Shoulder and Hood. The best thing in this set is it fits to the hero look.
Another workshop item caught my eye, The ursa "Sabre Set" created by Evil_Knevil.
Sabre Set by Evil_Knevil: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=98239143&searchtext=
This awesome look of ursa made him more ferocious. The set has Skirt, Bracer, and Helmet.
Let's go for the last workshop for this week, And it goes to this single item called "Harpoon Blade" for Sven.
Harpon Blade by Doubleleaf: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94491941&searchtext=
Nothing much to say in this item, just AWESOME!
And that's the end if our first Weekly Top Five Workshop items. Hope you enjoy, and see yah next week for the Week 2 of DOTA 2 Workshop Preview.
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